Patch voor Overwatch
Overwatch is tot op heden één van de best verkopende games van dit jaar. De game wordt nog steeds ontzettend veel online gespeeld en met de komst van nieuwe Heroes, zijn frequente patches natuurlijk een must.

Momenteel is de nieuwe patch in test-fase voor de PC en deze zal op een later tijdstip ook naar de PlayStation 4 worden gebracht, maar wanneer precies is nog onbekend. Hieronder kun je de lijst met aanpassingen en bug fixes bekijken. Let wel, voor de PlayStation 4 kunnen op de lange termijn nog aanpassingen worden gedaan.

General updates

    • Static cameras are now supported in spectator mode
    • Team names can now be edited in custom games
    • Raised the volume of Hanzo’s Dragonstrike voice line while wearing the Okami/Lone Wolf Skin
    • Heroes hit by Ana’s Nano Boost have a new voice line that informs other players
    • Increased frequency of Reinhardt’s “barrier failing” voice line
    • Custom Games can now be paused

Hero balance updates


    • Nano Boost – Ultimate cost has been increased by 20%
    • Biotic Grenade – Radius has been increased from 3 to 4 meters


    • Widow’s Kiss – Scoping-in animation time has been reduced from 0.5 to 0.3 seconds

User Interface Updates

    • Several minor aesthetic changes have been made to the game’s Main, Social, and Options menus
    • Removed several stats that were duplicated for certain heroes throughout the career profile
    • Camera movement in Spectator Mode has been improved
    • Controller users can now choose between two aiming modes
    • Dual-Zone mode (New default): The vast majority of the thumbstick’s range moves with reduced sensitivity and relatively high acceleration. However, when the thumbstick crosses to the outer 10% of its range, it will move with high sensitivity and relatively low acceleration. This mode will allow for more precise aiming, while still allowing players to turn around quickly.
    • Exponential Ramp mode (Old default): As the thumbstick moves toward the outside of its range, the sensitivity is ramped up exponentially. The acceleration remains relatively high throughout.

Social Features

    • Certain commendations will now appear less frequently during end-of-round voting, and others will appear more frequently (e.g. Most Gold Medals and Torbjörn’s Armor Packs Created)

Bug fixes


    • Enemy players that are knocked down no longer lose their red outline


    • Fixed a bug causing Bastion’s bullet shells to eject backwards while in Configuration: Sentry mode
    • Fixed an issue preventing Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow from appearing when selected
    • Fixed a bug preventing Junkrat’s statistics from correctly tracking RIP-Tire kills
    • Fixed an issue preventing Mercy’s staff from appearing in some highlight intros while wearing the Valkyrie/Sigrún skin
    • Fixed a bug that allowed Widowmaker to use her Grappling Hook on basketballs
    • Symmetra’s “Car Wash” achievement now correctly lists the number of beams required (6 instead of 7)
    • Fixed a time calculation issue that was causing Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement to be more difficult than intended
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Junkrat’s “Roadkill” achievement from being awarded after obtaining 4 kills with RIP-Tire


  • Fixed a bug that allowed the payload to heal players even when they were negatively affected by Ana’s Biotic Grenade
  • Fixed a bug preventing the health bars on the Practice Range bots from displaying the effects of Ana’s Biotic Grenade
  • Fixed a bug preventing sprays from being applied correctly to some surfaces on Eichenwalde
  • Fixed a bug allowing some heroes to be seen in the sky when viewing certain highlight intros on Volskaya Industries