Vorige maand werd de Battle Mini Game voor Minecraft geïntroduceerd. Deze mini game is een competitieve survival-modus, die gespeeld wordt op maps die speciaal hiervoor zijn ontworpen. Inmiddels is er een nieuwe update beschikbaar en deze maakt enkele aanpassingen om de Battle Mini Game te verbeteren.

Hieronder de volledige changelog van patch 1.30, welke te downloaden is voor onder andere de PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 en PlayStation Vita.

  • Battle Mini Game: Disable kicking players during Public Battle rounds. This is enabled for the host in the Lobby.
  • Battle Mini Game: Disable the host exiting the game during a Battle round. This is enabled in the lobby.
  • Battle Mini Game: Grace period increased to 20 seconds.
  • Battle Mini Game: Changed all Poison Potions to level 2 instead of level 1.
  • Battle Mini Game: All Sticks now have at least Sharpness 1.
  • Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Fire Charge item with a Potion of Fire Resistance.
  • Battle Mini Game: Replaced the Diamond Chestplate with an Iron Chestplate.
  • Battle Mini Game: The Wooden Hoe with Fire Aspect 1 has Sharpness 1 added to it.
  • Battle Mini Game: Removed the Wooden Shovel from the Centre Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 1 to the Wooden Pickaxe in the Outer Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Added Sharpness 2 to the Wooden Shovel in the Outer Chests.
  • Battle Mini Game: Fixed various areas in maps where players could get stuck.
  • Fixed a memory issue causing “Failed To Load” message (alleen PS3).