Bungie heeft eerder al aangegeven dat de ondersteuning voor de vorige generatie consoles met betrekking tot Destiny zal gaan aflopen. Deze ‘Legacy Consoles’ zullen per 16 augustus geen grote updates meer krijgen en ook Rise of Iron verschijnt niet voor de last-gen platformen.

Naar aanleiding van het stopzetten van de brede ondersteuning heeft de ontwikkelaar nu een uitgebreide omschrijving gegeven, zodat spelers precies weten wat ze wel en niet kunnen verwachten. Duidelijk is wel dat het beter is dat iedereen gewoon overstapt naar current-gen consoles, maar daar ben je vrij in.

  • Legacy Console players will have until 2:00 AM PDT on August 16th, 2016 to receive their Moments of Triumph T-Shirt code on their Year Two Triumphs page on
  • After this date, Legacy Console players will no longer be able to access Character data on, which includes the completion of the Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book and T-Shirt code.
  • Players may continue to make progress and earn in-game rewards from their Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book through September 20th, 2016 on Legacy Consoles.
  • Players who complete their Year Two Moments of Triumph Record Book on Legacy Consoles may still generate a T-shirt code, only if they perform an account import on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One prior to 11:59 PM PDT on October 4th. For more information, follow this link. PLEASE NOTE: The Account Import process is a one-time process that splits progress between console generations. After an account has been imported, this cannot be undone.
  • Destiny Events and Activity Availability will be changing for Legacy Consoles on August 16th, 2016.
  • Activities such as Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris will continue to be available to Legacy Console players through the end of August 2016.
  • The ability to purchase Silver will no longer be available on Legacy Consoles starting August 16th, 2016.
  • Players may still purchase items from Eververse Trading co. with Silver that is already present on their account.