Aanstaande dinsdag verschijnt Curse of Osiris. Dit is de eerste uitbreiding voor Destiny 2 en tevens is dat het startschot voor een aantal grote veranderingen binnen de game. Die heeft Bungie nu allemaal toegelicht en het is nogal wat.

Deze veranderingen zijn een gevolg van de community die al geruime tijd niet tevreden is. De community klaagt vooral over het gebrek aan communicatie en dat erkent de ontwikkelaar. Vanaf nu gaan ze proberen om nog meer open te zijn over de game, toegepaste mechanieken en de toekomst.

Doordat ze nu meer open naar de community willen zijn, hebben ze een flinke lijst met punten gepubliceerd die ze willen aanpakken om de game te verbeteren. Tevens gaven ze daarbij een verwachte releasedatum, zodat spelers goed weten wanneer iets komen gaat.

Op 5 december zal er het één en ander gaan veranderen en op 12 december volgt de volgende grote aanpassing. De belangrijkste details staan hieronder gespecificeerd en afsluitend hebben we nog een overzicht voor je van wat Bungie allemaal van plan is voor 2018.

Dat is echter lang niet alles, want op Bungie.net vind je nog veel meer details over wat men allemaal van plan is. Check de website dus zeker even voor nog meer toelichting en specificaties. Verder gaf Bungie nog aan dat ze de community gehoord hebben over het aanpassen van XP uitkeringen. Ze hebben al de nodige aanpassingen doorgevoerd en zullen dat de komende tijd gaan herkalibreren.

5 december update

  • Heroic Strike Playlist – More difficult strikes that will challenge players.
  • Armor Ornaments – Armor ornaments will be rewarded for completing various challenges associated with individual activities. They add additional customization on top of shaders and mods. Ornaments are permanently unlocked once earned, even if you delete and re-obtain pieces of armor. There will be ornaments in Season 2 for Iron Banner, Crucible, Vanguard, Faction, and more.
  • Mod Updates – Rare mods will dismantle into Gunsmith Materials, with a chance to produce legendary Mod Components. Banshee will now offering a rotating selection of specific mods that can be purchased using Mod Components and Legendary Shards.
  • Legendary Engrams From Rahool – Rahool will now sell legendary engrams that can decrypt to Masterworks world weapons and other world legendaries (see December 12 update).
  • Reputation Token Updates – Tokens gained from daily challenges have increased. Cayde’s chests will offer destination tokens as a reward, in addition to everything else they can reward. Strikes will drop more Vanguard tokens. Location resources have increased in value and drop rate. Leviathan Raid Tokens will be redeemed at Benedict immediately instead of requiring a full clear.

12 december update

  • Masterwork Weapons – Legendary weapons can drop as Masterwork tier versions, or can be upgraded into this tier. They will generate orbs on multi-kills for you and your allies. They have a re-rollable stat bonus that will make each Masterwork weapon unique. These can drop from any legendary engram source as long as a player is over 250 Power level. If you dismantle a Masterwork, it will drop materials that can be used to upgrade non-Masterwork legendaries.
  • Vendor Gear Purchase – Armor will be made available to purchase from the different factions using Legendary Shards and the appropriate Tokens. Weapons will be available, but will rotate. Purchasable armor slots are unlocked by gaining reward engrams, with the game recognizing previous engrams claimed.
  • Xur Changes – Xur will begin selling a fated Exotic Engram for Legendary Shards that will decrypt to an Exotic item that you don’t have yet. He will also start selling a Three-of-Coins that boosts Exotic drop rates for four hours.
  • Gift Consumables – Zavala and Shaxx will sell these for Strikes and Curcible respectively. When activated, they grant increased rewards to everyone in an activity, friend and foe alike. They can award anything from Faction Tokens to a a full round of Exotics for everyone in a match.
  • Planetary Chest Lockout – Exploit safeguards are being eased, so players should see less chests rewarding nothing. Safeguard is now 30% instead of the previous 0%.
  • Vendor Notification – Vendors will now only notify once you have enough tokens to claim an engram.

5 of 12 december update

  • Deepen Rewards for advanced players
  • Provide More Player Control over obtaining rewards
  • Make Shards Useful by adding things to use them for
  • Provide General Quality fixes wherever possible

2018 updates

  • Masterworks Extension – They have plans to expand Masterworks to more gear beyond just legendary weapons in the December 12 update.
  • Exploit Safeguard Visual Indicator – They are working to add a visual indicator when exploit safeguards have been activated so that it is communicated to the player.
  • Ranked PVP Focus and Private Matches
  • Increased Incentives for Prestige Activities (Targeting January)
  • Adventure and Lost Sector Rewards
  • Quitter Penalty System for Crucible
  • Mod Updates
  • Tuning Under-performing Exotics (some changes may come on December 5)
  • Duplication Protection for Exotics
  • Emote Interface Improvements