Alvorens Destiny 2: Warmind uitkomt heeft men nog een mooie patch gepland voor de game. Deze patch past het één en ander aan en fixt ook een hele hoop. Alvorens de patch live gaat hebben we eerst nog even downtime voor Destiny 2: Warmind, dit gebeurt om 16:00 uur op dinsdag 8 mei. Je kunt vervolgens de update downloaden en vanaf 20:00 uur ermee aan de slag, dan gaat de game weer live.

Voor een changelog van de update check je de informatie hieronder. Let er overigens op dat je voor Warmind en de onderstaande update 71GB vrije ruimte nodig hebt voor de installatie, die vervolgens 53GB in beslag neemt op je HDD.


Vault Space

  • As a short-term solution, Vault space has been increased from 200 to 300 items.


  • You now can configure all four emote options with player-selected emotes.
  • The entire emote collection is now always available to you for convenient swapping.
  • Items in the emote collection have been removed from the Vault, as it’s no longer needed.

Guided Games

  • Will now feature a Leviathan Guide emblem that tracks the number of raid encounters and raids a player has completed as a Guide.
  • This emblem rewards a unique aura for 14 days after a player completes a raid as a Guide.
  • Once a week while the aura is active, guiding a raid to completion grants one Bright Engram.

New Inventory Category

  • A new inventory category has been created that will contain pursuit tracking items, such as those for Exotic quests.
  • Items in the Pursuits category are specific to each character and not shared across the account.

In-Game Audio Settings

  • SFX Volume
  • Dialogue/Cinematics Volume
  • Music Volume
  • Chat Volume

Raid and Raid Lair Reward Lockouts

  • Weekly lockouts for raid and raid lair rewards are now class-based.
  • Players running multiple characters of the same class will receive rewards only the first time they run the raid or raid lair in a given week.

General Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with collections where event emblems would not show up unless players owned Curse of Osiris.
  • Fixed an issue where players would encounter a black screen upon loading into the Tower.
  • Fixed an issue where Cayde was offering only one treasure map for Mercury.

Bekende problemen die men onderzoekt

Anti-Extinction Greaves

  • The female Titan’s Dead Orbit leg armor piece, Anti-Extinction Greaves, may display a small visual issue.

Exotic Masterworks

  • Once upgraded to a Masterwork, an Exotic weapon or armor piece will not display as a Masterwork when viewed from an Exotic engram preview.

Strike Playlist

  • Players are not able to matchmake into strikes from an expansion they do not own. Players will receive a prompt to purchase the needed expansion if they attempt to join a fireteam of players who own an expansion that they do not own themselves.


  • Some quest items in the Warmind campaign may not show up in the loot stream of all fireteam members. However, the quest item should still be added to the inventories of all fireteam members.
  • If players have a full engram inventory, they may not be able to accept some vendor quest items until they make space in their inventory.

Exotic Armor Tooltips

  • We are aware of an issue in which the perk text on Warmind Exotic armor tooltips appears in a different color than on similar gear pieces. This does NOT mean that players need to unlock these perks to be able to access them.