De update voor Fortnitemares – het Halloween evenement van Fortnite: Battle Royale en Save the World – zat er al aan te komen en is inmiddels live gegaan. Fortnite versie 6.20 brengt een hoop aanpassingen en veranderingen met zich mee, dus laten we er snel even induiken.

Fortnitemares (Battle Royale)

Het evenement verandert Battle Royale flink. Het eiland met daaronder de zwevende kubus is met flinke kracht uit elkaar geknald en zorgt voor veranderingen op de map. De voornaamste veranderingen zijn de Cube Monsters of Cube Fiends die je tegen kan komen. Doordat het eiland uit elkaar geknald is, zijn er Cube Fragments te vinden over de hele map. Wanneer je deze activeert, zullen er Cube Monsters verschijnen. Als je deze afmaakt, heb je kans om loot te verdienen. Daarnaast krijg je een kleine hoeveelheid pantser wanneer je deze wezens verslaat.

Nieuwe wapens

Daarnaast heeft Epic Games ook nieuwe wapens beschikbaar gesteld om deze monsters te bestrijden. In de eerste plaats krijgen we een nieuwe revolver genaamd ‘The Six Shooter’. Dit pistool is te vinden in de Uncommon (groen), Rare (blauw) en Epic (paars) variant. Deze revolver kan op twee manieren gebruikt worden. Je kan er gericht accuraat mee schieten, maar dit gaat ten koste van je vuursnelheid. Je kan ook vanuit de heup schieten, waardoor je een relatief nauwkeurig schot hebt met hogere vuursnelheid.

De kruisboog is ook weer terug van weggeweest. Het doet weinig schade bij andere spelers, maar doet des te meer schade aan de Cube Fiends. Dit wapen is daar dan ook het meest geschikt voor. De kruisboog heeft een magazijn van zeven pijlen en kan snel achter elkaar vuren. Dit wapen is alleen te vinden in de Epic (paars) variant. Daarnaast zijn er nog meer veranderingen voor de bestaande wapens die je in de patch notes hieronder kunt lezen.

Challenges voor gratis gear

Net zoals het geval was in de tijdelijke modus ‘The Getaway’, krijgt ook Fortnitemares een aantal uitdagingen. Wanneer je deze voltooit, krijg je een aantal gratis spullen. De eerste paar challenges kan je hieronder vinden. Om de aantal dagen verschijnen er nieuwe challenges waarmee je weer wat nieuws kan vrijspelen.

  • Destroy Cube Monsters
  • Deal damage with Assault Rifles or Pistols to Cube Monsters
  • Visit a Corrupted Area in different matches
  • Dance at different Gargoyles

Glider redeploy mechanisme

Deze verandering zorgt wellicht voor wat opschudding onder de spelers. Epic Games heeft ook nadrukkelijk aangegeven dat dit een test is en het nog maar de vraag is of het zo blijft. In het kort houdt deze feature in dat je opnieuw je glider kunt gebruiken op bepaalde hoogtes. Fall damage blijft nog steeds in de game aanwezig, want je kan de glider pas opnieuw activeren vanaf een bepaalde hoogte. Ontsnappingen vanaf hoge forten is dus ook een mogelijkheid geworden.

Fortnitemares (Save the World)

Het Fortnitemares evenement slaat natuurlijk Save the World niet over. Voor deze modus betekent dat een volledig nieuwe verhaallijn. Dit verhaal heet ‘Vlad Moon Rising’ en brengt je naar de duistere landen van Hexsylvania. Daarnaast zijn er ook nieuwe helden toegevoegd aan de Save the World modus. Deze PvE modus is vanaf nu ook tijdelijk met 50% korting verkrijgbaar. Mocht je het dus nog een keer willen spelen, sla dan je slag met deze actie. Dit aanbod is geldig tot en met 6 november.

De volledige patch notes kan je hieronder lezen. Het is een aardige lijst, dus neem zeker even je tijd om alles goed door te nemen.



The Social List has been completely redesigned. This is the first of many steps toward improving the social experience within Fortnite. Expect more frequent updates and improvements to this experience over the coming weeks.

  • The main Social List has received new art, animations, and flow.
  • The Social List button has moved to the left side of the screen and can now be directly accessed with a controller.
  • Controller and Touch support has been improved.
  • Party Finder has been removed
    • All previous Party Finder functionality has moved to the new Social List.
    • Places that used to open Party Finder now open the new Social List.



The Cube strikes back, bringing Fortnitemares to Battle Royale! Drop in and discover what the Cube has unleashed.

What’s New?

  • Cube Fragments spawn Cube Monsters! Drop in and discover the different types.
    • Large Cube Fragments are found near corrupted areas of the island.
    • Small Cube Fragments are created randomly throughout the match.
  • Cube Fiends, Brutes, and Fragments all have a chance to drop loot.
  • Defeating a Cube Fiend or Brute will grant a small amount of shield.
    • Eliminating a Cube Fiend will grant +3 shield
    • Eliminating an Elite Cube Fiend will grant +5 shield
    • Eliminating a Cube Brute will grant +10 shield
    • Eliminating an Elite Cube Brute will grant +15 shield
    • Eliminating a Mega Cube Brute will grant +20 shield
  • Fiend Hunter Crossbow added. Fortnitemare Limited time weapon.
    • Available in Epic variant.
      • 40 base damage
      • 1.8 shots per second.
      • 4x damage against Fiends
    • Seven Arrow magazine size, unlimited ammo.
    • Can be found from floor loot, chests and Vending Machines.


New Port-A grenades are now available in Vending Machines at the southern edge of Loot Lake. The Port-A-Challenge set includes the Building Challenge, Obstacle Course, and Firing Range minigames. There’s four of each type with varying difficulty.

The Spiky Stadium makes a return with a brand new respawn system and Vending Machines to provide all the necessary grenades. Finally, there’s the Port-A-Pirateship mini-game. This grenade spawns a re-creation of the minigame shown off by SXVXN!

  • Port-A-Challenge
    • Obstacle Course
      • Collect the tokens and avoid the obstacles while honing your building skills.
    • Building Challenge
      • Build the structure as fast as possible.
    • Firing Range
      • Take out as many dummies as you can within the time limit.
  • Spiky Stadium v2
    • Once inside the new Spiky Stadium, players will respawn at designated spawn points inside the playspace.
    • Vending machines provide grenades and Traps to allow you to customize your play.
  • Port-A-Pirateship
    • A re-creation of the minigame shown off by SXVXN.
    • Spawns two large wooden Pirate ships.
    • The minigame will split players into two teams, with the goal of destroying the other team’s ship.
  • Port-A-Pirateship Ironclad Edition
    • Spawns two large metal Pirate ships.
    • Grenades and Rockets are provided for maximum destruction
  • New Vending Machines have been added across the map to provide more Traps and weapons.
  • A new respawn button has been added to the in-game player menu.


  • Six Shooter added.
    • Available in Uncommon, Rare and Epic variants.
      • 34 / 36 / 38 base damage.
      • Shoot from the hip for faster fire rate, or trade rate of fire for precision by aiming down the sight
    • Uses Medium Ammo.
    • Can be found from floor loot, chests and Vending Machines.
  • The Rocket Launcher is now the Pumpkin Rocket Launcher.
    • This is a visual only change.
  • Hand Cannon balance changes.
    • Increased damage to structures.
      • Epic – From 79 to 150
      • Legendary – From 83 to 157
    • Increased minimum long-range body shot damage.
      • Epic – From 30 to 50
      • Legendary – From 31 to 52
    • Increased minimum long-range head shot damage.
      • Epic – From 60 to 100
      • Legendary – From 62 to 104
  • Stink Bomb
    • Increased chance to find from floor loot from 0.27% to 0.47%
    • Increased chance to find from Chests from 2.37% to 4.08%
  • Increased the chance of getting an explosive weapon from Chests from 3.06% to 3.35%
    • Decreased the chance of getting a Grenade Launcher from 1.35% to 0.91%
    • Increased the chance of getting a Rocket Launcher from 0.83% to 1.12%
  • The Port-a-Fortress has returned and can be looted in-game.
  • The Guided Missile has returned and can be looted in-game.


  • The Glider Redeploy functionality that’s available in the Soaring Limited Time Modes can now be used in all game modes. Help us test this feature and let us know what you think.
    • When in mid-air and greater than 10m up, press Jump to deploy your glider.
  • Weapons now reload upon respawn in modes that keep the player’s inventory.
  • Storm Changes
    • Wait time for phase 3 has been reduced from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
    • Wait time for phase 5 has been reduced from 70 seconds to 50 seconds.
    • Late game moving circles will now immediately begin traveling to a new location after it reaches its current destination.
    • Storm’s maximum damage has been reduced from 10 to 8.
    • The final circle now moves and shrinks at the same time.
  • Players will now take 2 damage per second while in the Down But Not Out state instead of 2 damage every 2 seconds.
    • Maximum time in the DBNO state reduced from 100 seconds to 50 seconds if no friendly player attempts to revive you.

Bug Fixes

  • Removing ability to rocket ride Quad Launcher rockets.
    • Fixes streaming issues on low-end iOS devices.


  • Added unique sounds when cycling through Traps.
  • Removed the in-air audio cue for Gliders that belong to friendly teammates.
  • Reduced volume of Dark Viking glider.


  • Your name now always appears at the top of your squad list in-game.

Bug Fixes

  • When a Challenge bundle is delayed, it will now display as “Coming Soon” rather than “Unlocking in 0 seconds.”
  • Chain quests in the Challenge bundles now show the current quest number in the chain over the total number of quests in the chain.
    • Example: 1/2, 2/3, etc.


  • New variants added to the Musha and Hime Outfits that are part of the Bushido set.
    • No Challenges are needed to unlock these variants. If you own the Outfits they will be automatically unlocked.

Bug Fixes

  • Pets no longer get stuck floating in the air after their owner drives a vehicle off a jump.
  • Fixed Quadcrasher Jump Trick animation displays.
  • Changes in other players’ aim and view directions are now smoother, both in-game and during replays.


  • Better handling of larger memory Android devices (6 GB+)
  • Custom HUD Layout users can now toggle the visibility of buttons across Combat/Build modes.
    • Red – Hidden
    • Green – Visible
    • Blue – Does not affect visibility
    • Buttons will only be shown when they are relevant to the player, even when set to “visible”.
      • Example: Buttons shown while holding a weapon will only be shown on screen while a weapon is being held.
  • The Combat/Build quickbar is now resizeable within Custom HUD Layout.
    • This includes extra buttons.
  • Players can now edit structures while in combat mode while holding any weapon.

Bug Fixes

  • The first weapon picked now properly equips automatically.



  • Fortnitemares Part 1 is now available!
    • Venture into the creepy lands of Hexsylvania and experience the “Vlad Moon Rising” questline. Now upgraded with additional narrative content!
    • Earn Candy and spend it on Fortnitemare Llamas.
      • Candy can be earned by playing missions in Hexslyvania or by defeating Miniboss mission alerts on the normal campaign missions.
    • All of the Fortnitemares Heroes from the past can be found in the Fortnitemare Llama:
      • Marine Corpse Ramirez
      • Skull Trooper Jonesy
      • Hazard the 13th
      • Catstructor Penny
      • Shuriken Master Llamurai
      • Sarah Hotep
      • Ranger Beetlejess
    • The Llama also contains Fortnitemares Survivors. Collect the full set of survivors (in your Collection Book) to unlock the Legendary Pumpkin Launcher schematic!
  • Miniboss Mission Alerts have been returned to their normal reward amounts, and once again grant Event Tickets (Candy) instead of Gold.
  • Removed the Shared Hero Damage modifier from Mutant Storm mission alerts.
  • Removed Power Rating requirement text from Deep Blu Somethings Quest Objectives.
    • Activating the pylons quest can be done in any zone.

Bug Fixes

  • Survivors no longer suffer damage from the Exploding Deathburst modifier.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a hitch when inserting BluGlo to create a bomb in the Deliver the Bomb mission.


  • Added Mythic Soldier – Quickdraw Calamity to the Event Store
    • Gunslinger who only needs six shots to get the job done.
    • New Perk:
      • Six Shooter – The first 6 rounds in pistol magazines deal 12% increased damage and 24% increased impact.
    • Available on October 24 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
  • Bloodfinder A.C. Outlander has returned and is available on the Event Store
    • Available on October 24 at 8 PM Eastern Time.
  • All Founders will receive a pair of new Heroes when they log in during the first few weeks of Fortnitemares:
    • Skull Ranger Ramirez
    • Brainiac Jonesy

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Goin’ Commando gained first shot accuracy.
  • Goin’ Commando now uses a camera more consistent with similar weapons.


  • A new set of Rat Rod weapons are available in the Fortnitemares Llama:
    • Swan
      • Fast-firing LMG with a large magazine size and a ramp-up time.
    • Drifter
      • A medium club with a good balance of damage and speed.
    • Axle
      • A light axe with a good balance of damage and impact.
    • Two Step
      • A 2-shot burst shotgun that decimates targets at mid-range.
    • Crankshot
      • A fast-firing automatic sniper rifle for combat at mid to long range.

Bug Fixes

  • Weapons that trace through world objects, such as the Obliterator, will no longer cause issues with visual effects when near a Constructor Plasma Pulse Ability.
  • Fixed reload cycle not being interrupted when firing weapons that reload in stages. (e.g. one bullet at a time). This affects most shotguns as well as the Super Shredder.


  • Weak Spot will now show on Deliver the Bomb Rail Traps, if being struck by a player.
  • When aiming at an enemy, the crosshair/reticle will no longer change to red.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the minimap from showing a yellow exclamation mark when it shouldn’t for discovery quests
  • Fixed players not respawning if they fall out of the world while downed during the respawn delay timer.
  • Collision for player built structures no longer persists after the structure is destroyed.
    • This would happen when shooting a player built structure and an enemy with the same shot using certain weapons.
      • Players are still unable to destroy player built structures by shooting them.
  • Fixed an issue where shadows would occasionally flicker.
  • Fixed a graphical corruption issue on PS4. This could cause flashing lights and dark pixelation artifacts to appear in the fog that surrounds Husks as they spawn.


  • Vampiric Takers appear in Hexslyvania! These Mist Monsters drain your health to heal themselves when they attack and are weakened during the day.
  • Some of the Husks have got their heads stuck in Jack-o-Lanterns, making them look even more spooky than usual!


  • Updated the message shown when a player fails to join a mission due to a low power rating.
  • This will help communicate the reason for the failure.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the layout of the Stats Mode panel to match that of the Main Mode panel in the Item Details.
  • Resource counts now update properly after a failed crafting attempt due to being eliminated.
  • Atlas health bar no longer remains visible on the results screen
  • Updated tutorial announcements to handle gamepad key bindings in the intro tutorial mission.
  • Added gamepad tutorial text for switching to pickaxe in tutorial mission.
  • Using Hoverboards no longer causes objective HUD indicators to disappear during Deliver the Bomb missions.
  • Players will now always receive a “low power rating” message when trying to load into a Storm Shield Defense while in a party with a player below the minimum power rating.
  • Fixed “Insufficient XP” error appearing sometimes after opening a Collection Book reward.


  • Fortnitemares lobby, ambient and combat music updated.
  • Added new Victory music when completing selected missions before the final Victory event.

Bug Fixes

  • The music system threat level no longer remains in the low threat state for too long.
    • Smoothed out the transitions for medium and high threat states.
  • Fixed an issue with in-game sounds playing over opening cinematics.
  • Fixed an issue with Shielder character voice triggering twice